Contract Design: Principles and Practice

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Course Description

Contract Design: Principles and Practice (1008): (Formerly Law 434) Transaction lawyers spend much time drafting contracts and related documents, and they can contribute very significant value by designing transactions. While transactions should be tailored to the goals and circumstances of each set of parties, there are general principles that guide the design process, even as the technology of contracting is evolving (through automated and smart contracting). This seminar combines discussion of academic scholarship with examples of real-world examples of design challenges (such as in franchising, construction, corporate acquisition, loan or data use agreements). Students will be required to write and present a paper, and encouraged to focus on a specific contracting challenge. Elements used in grading: Class participation (20%) and an independent research paper for "R" (Research credit).

Grading Basis

L02 - Law Honors/Pass/Restricted credit/Fail





Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?


Course Component


Enrollment Optional?
