Theoretical Neuroscience

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Course Description

Survey of advances in the theory of neural networks, mainly (but not solely) focused on results of relevance to theoretical neuroscience.Synthesizing a variety of recent advances that potentially constitute the outlines of a theory for understanding when a given neural network architecture will work well on various classes of modern recognition and classification tasks, both from a representational expressivity and a learning efficiency point of view. Discussion of results in the neurally-plausible approximation of back propagation, theory of spiking neural networks, the relationship between network and task dimensionality, and network state coarse-graining. Exploration of estimation theory for various typical methods of mapping neural network models to neuroscience data, surveying and analyzing recent approaches from both sensory and motor areas in a variety of species. Prerequisites: calculus, linear algebra, and basic probability theory, or consent of instructor.

Cross Listed Courses

Grading Basis

ROP - Letter or Credit/No Credit





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