Managerial Skills

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Course Description

In the Managerial Skills Labs we examine several common managerial challenges faced by executives. Together with Faculty, students explore these topics using five case examples, each asking students to evaluate a series of situations, develop alternatives for their resolution, and ultimately recommend and implement a course of action from the point of view of the company's owner/manager. We have selected small to midsized businesses as the context for these discussions in order to highlight the impact that key decisions and their implementation can have on the broader organization. Class preparation should include not only analysis and conclusions, but also specific recommendations on implementation. Students should come to class prepared to role play important conversations between management and other key individuals.

Grading Basis

GLT - GSB Letter Graded





Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?


Course Component

Case/Problem Study

Enrollment Optional?



STRAMGT210 is a completion requirement for: