Free Will and Responsibility
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Course Description
In what sense are we, or might we be free agents? Is our freedom compatible with our being fully a part of the same natural, causal order that includes other physical and biological systems? What assumptions about freedom do we make when we hold people accountable morally and/or legally? When we hold people accountable, and so responsible, can we also see them as part of the natural, causal order? Or is there a deep incompatibility between these two ways of understanding ourselves? What assumptions about our freedom do we make when we deliberate about what to do? Are these assumptions in conflict with seeing ourselves as part of the natural, causal order?We will explore these and related questions primarily by way of careful study of recent and contemporary philosophical research on these matters.
Grading Basis
RLT - Letter (ABCD/NP)
Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?
Course Component
SU Intro Seminar - Freshman
Enrollment Optional?
This course has been approved for the following WAYS
Aesthetic and Interpretive Inquiry (AII), Ethical Reasoning (ER)