Advanced Legal Writing for American Practice
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Course Description
This course orients advanced degree students to a range of legal writing genres used by lawyers in practice in American law offices and before American courts. At the core of these genres are the techniques of legal research, objective and persuasive legal writing, and related legal analysis in a litigation context. The course presents students with realistic legal writing scenarios that they address in and out of class. Students perform legal research and analysis as they complete assignments designed to incorporate methods that American lawyers use to analyze typical legal problems while advocating on behalf of a hypothetical client in a litigation matter. This class is limited to Advanced Degree Students. Elements used in grading: Class Participation, Attendance, Written Assignments.
Grading Basis
L02 - Law Honors/Pass/Restricted credit/Fail
Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?
Course Component
Enrollment Optional?
Does this course satisfy the University Language Requirement?