iOS Application Development

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Course Description

Build mobile applications using tools and APIs in iOS. Developing applications for the iPhone and iPad requires integration of numerous concepts including functional programming, object-oriented programming, computer-human interfaces, graphics, animation, reactive interfaces, Model-View-Intent (MVI) and Model-View-View-Model (MVVM) design paradigms, object-oriented databases, networking, and interactive performance considerations including multi-threading. This course will require you to learn a new programming language (Swift) as well as the iOS development environment, SwiftUI. Prerequisites: All coursework (homework and final project) involves writing code, so writing a lot of code should not be new to you (coding experience in almost any language is valuable, but object-oriented (e.g. CS108) and/or functional programming languages (e.g. CS43) are most highly recommended).  CS106A and B (or X) and CS107 (or equivalent) are hard prerequisites. Any other courses that help to develop your maturity as a programmer are also recommended.

Grading Basis

RSN - Satisfactory/No Credit





Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?


Course Component


Enrollment Optional?


Does this course satisfy the University Language Requirement?



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