Hand and Microsurgery Clerkship
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Course Description
VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. DESCRIPTION: The Buncke Clinic at California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC), Davies Campus in San Francisco, is an internationally recognized leader in the field of hand and microsurgery. Our clerkship emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach to complex reconstructive problems such as facial reanimation, functional muscle transplantation, and replantation, which often require staged microsurgical solutions. The student will play an integral role in acute admissions, new admissions and daily patient rounds. Considerable emphasis is placed on teaching and strategy sessions. All students are required to participate in weekly journal clubs, patient conferences, and resident teaching presentations. Combined Buncke/UCSF Plastic and Hand Surgery Conferences are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Students also have the opportunity to participate in the microsurgery laboratory to improve microsurgical skills or participate in multiple ongoing research projects. PREREQUISITES: Surgery 300A. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-12, full-time for 2 weeks or 4 weeks, 1-2 students per period. CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: Greg Buncke, M.D. CLERKSHIP COORDINATOR: Collen Fuller, 415-565-6136. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: Contact coordinator for reporting instructions; Time: TBA. CALL CODE: 0. OTHER FACULTY: R. Buntic, W. Lin, B. Safa, A. Watt. LOCATION: Buncke Clinic.
Grading Basis
MED - Medical School +/- Option
Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?
Course Component
Enrollment Optional?
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