Surgical Intensive Care Unit Clerkship
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Course Description
VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. DESCRIPTION: This clerkship provides experience managing critically ill surgical patients. The caseload is drawn from the ICU patients of the general and trauma surgery services at Stanford Hospital. The student works closely with the course site director, senior surgery residents, and surgical critical care fellows to provide care for patients in the K4 Stanford 500P ICU. Daily attending rounds help the student to master the following topics: mechanical ventilators, vasoactive drugs (pressors and inotropes), fluid resuscitation, shock, oxygen transport, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, ARDS, multiple organ failure, enteral and parenteral nutrition (TPN), and weaning from the ventilator. Students are expected to function at the manager level and will be given increasing levels of autonomy throughout the clerkship period. The student also participates in the resuscitation and operative management of trauma patients. Students will have opportunities to learn procedures commonly performed for critically ill surgical patients including arterial lines, central lines, and chest tubes. The student also participates in the resuscitation and operative management of trauma patients. Students will be given the opportunity to care for their patients in the ICU in addition to participating in operating room procedures required for their assigned patients. Students will participate in bedside sedation procedures with the perioperative anesthesia service as needed for the care of their patients. Students wishing to do this clerkship must get approval from Bernadette Carvalho at first before registering. PREREQUISITES: Anesthesia 306A for Stanford medical students; Surgery core clerkship for visiting students. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-12, full-time for 4 or 8 weeks, 1 student per period. CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: Erin Hennessey, M.D. CLERKSHIP COORDINATOR: Bernadette F. Carvalho, REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: M114; Time: 7:00 am. CALL CODE: 4. OTHER FACULTY: D. Spain, P. Maggio, J. Lorenzo, J. Forrester, K. Staudenmayer, L. Knowles, and P. Mohabir. LOCATION: SUMC.
Grading Basis
MED - Medical School +/- Option
Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?
Course Component
Enrollment Optional?
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