Pediatric Surgery Clerkship

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Course Description

VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 2. DESCRIPTION: Designed to familiarize the student with the general scope of pediatric surgery ranging from neonatal surgery for congenital malformations, pediatric emergency and ambulatory surgery, and identification and management of common pediatric conditions (hernias, hydroceles, pyloric stenosis, appendicitis) management of the pediatric trauma patient, management of pediatric solid tumors and pediatric laparoscopic and thoracoscopic surgery. The student will be expected to assume supervised responsibility for inpatients, to evaluate consultations in the emergency department, and to participate in outpatient clinics, weekly conferences , daily surgeries and teaching rounds. PREREQUISITES: Pediatrics 300A or Surgery 300A. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-6, full time for 4 weeks, 1 student per period. CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: Julie Fuchs, M.D., 650-384-9463. CLERKSHIP COORDINATOR: Samrawit Gebregziabher REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: Please email Samrawit Gebregziabher at 2 weeks before start date for reporting instructions. Pediatric Surgery office, 300 Pasteur Drive, Alway M116. Report to Alyssa Maningas on Mondays at 8:30 am for orientation packets; Time: 8:30 am. CALL CODE: 1. OTHER FACULTY: M. Bruzoni, S. Chao, B. Chiu, J. Dunn, J. Fuchs, G. Hartman, C. Mueller, S. Shew, K. Sylvester, J. Wall. LOCATION: LPCH.

Grading Basis

MED - Medical School +/- Option





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