Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Clerkship
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Course Description
VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 1. DESCRIPTION: Provides students with a clinical experience in the field of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery. Students are exposed to the techniques of examination of the ear, nose, nasopharynx, mouth, larynx, and neck. They will have clinical experiences with the hearing and vestibular system, maxillofacial trauma, facial cosmetics, pediatric otolaryngology, head and neck cancer, skull base surgery, sleep surgery, voice disorders, as well as the more routine problems of otitis media, head and neck infections, chronic sinusitis, and the like. As with most surgical services, emphasis is placed on the surgical experience; in addition, students will have ample exposure to the outpatient clinic and will be expected to actively participate in pre- and postoperative patient care including ward rounds. Interested students are encouraged to assist in the operating room and take an active role in selected surgical procedures if they demonstrate the necessary skills. The rotation is divided into weekly rotations among the following subspecialties: Head & Neck Oncology, Laryngology, Rhinology, Sleep Surgery, Facial Plastics, Otology & Neurotology, and Pediatric Otolaryngology. Students will be based at Stanford Medical Center, but may also be scheduled to rotate at the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center and/or the Palo Alto VA hospital. Students will be expected to round on all of the patients on the service to which they are assigned. Students must also attend resident education sessions held on Monday mornings and some Thursday afternoons, as well as grand rounds on Thursday evenings and medical student didactic sessions, held throughout the week. Students with interest in a specific subspecialty/service may indicate such to the course coordinator. The rotation is identical to the two-week subspecialty elective within the SURG 300A General Surgery Core Clerkship, therefore it may not be repeated by students who have taken the subspecialty elective. Stanford students who have taken the subspecialty elective or visiting students who have taken a previous otolaryngology rotation and wish to have further otolaryngology experience should enroll in OTOHNS 336A (Sub-internship in Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery) or OTOHNS 398A (Clinical Elective in Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery Clerkship). Visiting students must be pre-approved for this course to be eligible. Please send a medical school transcript to Xiaoyu Feng, xyfeng@stanford.edu. Note: Students enrolling in this two-week course may neither repeat it, nor enroll in the subspecialty elective as part of SURG 300A, unless the second rotation is approved at an affiliated site. You will receive an email from Xiaoyu Feng the week before you start. PREREQUISITES: All scrub course/training needs to be completed prior to starting clerkship. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-12, full-time for 2 or 4 weeks, 2 students per period (availability depends on the number of sub-interns during the period). CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: Uchechukwu Megwalu, M.D. CLERKSHIP COORDINATOR: Xiaoyu Feng, 650-497-3856, xyfeng@stanford.edu, 801 Welch Road, 2nd Floor. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: 801 Welch Road, 2nd Floor; Time: 8:00 am. CALL CODE: 1. OTHER FACULTY: Staff. LOCATION: SUMC, PAVAMC, SCVMC.
Grading Basis
MED - Medical School +/- Option
Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?
Course Component
Enrollment Optional?
is a
completion requirement