Surgery Core Clerkship

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Course Description

VISITING: Closed to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Required. DESCRIPTION: Provides students with clinical experience in the evaluation and treatment of a wide variety of surgical diseases. Emphasis is placed on teaching students to recognize and manage basic clinical problems. Students function as active members of the surgical team, and follow patients throughout their in-patient course. Outpatient clinics provide the student with the ability to participate in the initial work-up and care plan of peri-operative patients. Basic surgical skills are taught in the operating room, in the emergency department setting, and in the Goodman Surgical Education Center. The clerkship offers an opportunity for students to integrate their knowledge of anatomy, physiology and physical diagnosis into a treatment plan for patients with surgical diseases. A blended learning curriculum is in place for all students at all sites. It combines case discussions with video pre-session material and related skills sessions. This curriculum covers the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases and principles of surgical management. A required textbook will be provided. Each student spends one 4 week rotation on a General Surgery rotation at Stanford, the VA, Kaiser, or SCVMC. The remaining 4 weeks will be spent rotating on a Surgical Subspecialty; Breast Service, Endocrine, ENT, Orthopaedic, Pediatric, Plastic Surgery, Thoracic Transplant, Trauma, Urology, or Vascular. A half day orientation is held at the beginning of the 8 week period. The NBME Subject Exam is a required component of the clerkship. PREREQUISITES: None. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-12, full-time for 8 weeks, 18 students per period. CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: Khoa Thomas Pham, M.D., 650-498-5689 and Cara A. Liebert, M.D., CLERKSHIP COORDINATOR: Robert Strachan and Marisol Rueda ,, 650-498-6052, Department of Surgery, 300 Pasteur Drive, H3658. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: Students will be sent information by e-mail; Time: TBA. CALL CODE: 1. OTHER FACULTY: Staff. LOCATION: SUMC, PAVAMC, SCVMC, KPMC.

Grading Basis

MED - Medical School +/- Option





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Enrollment Optional?


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SURG300A is a completion requirement for: