Child Psychiatry Clerkship
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Course Description
VISITING: Open to visitors. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. DESCRIPTION: Exposes the student to advanced principles and concepts of child psychiatry. The student is based primarily on the inpatient pediatric psychiatry consultation-liaison service at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford (LPCH). Clinical experience will involve consultation and the treatment of psychological issues in children with medical illness. Examples include depression and anxiety in the medically-ill child, pediatric conversion disorders, somatoform disorders and medically-related posttraumatic stress disorder. Students will develop skills in interviewing children and parents, learn team treatment skills for children with psychosomatic and psychiatric illnesses, observe family therapy, and produce case work-ups of children with a range of behavioral disorders. Students may have the option of spending one day/week in the Stanford child psychiatry outpatient clinic observing new evaluations in subspecialty clinics (see below: anxiety disorders, mood disorders, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, neuropsychiatry/pervasive developmental disorders, pediatric pain). Students may also observe evaluations on the inpatient adolescent eating disorder program. A case presentation is required at the end of the clerkship. Students are supervised by the consult service attending psychiatrist, and the child psychiatry fellows. Visiting students must obtain approval from Ms. Quynh Dang prior to applying for this clerkship. Please email requests to PREREQUISITES: Psychiatry 300A. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-12, full time for 4 weeks, 1 student per period. CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: Paula Tran, M.D. CLERKSHIP COORDINATOR: Quynh Dang, 650-725-2769, 401 Quarry Rd, Rm. 2204. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: Pediatric Psychiatry office, Room 3544, on the third floor of Packard West; Time: 9:00 am. CALL CODE: 0. OTHER FACULTY: M. Brown, W. Daniels, M. Goldsmith, R. Shaw, P. Tran. LOCATION: LPCH.
Grading Basis
MED - Medical School +/- Option
Course Repeatable for Degree Credit?
Course Component
Enrollment Optional?
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