Latin Core II: Age of Nero

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Course Description

In-depth reading of a major poet or a themed selection of poetry, e.g. Vergil, Horace or Ovid. Courses may be theme-based, e.g. Aeneas in Vergil and Ovid, or genre-based, combining representative selections of epic, elegy or satire from various authors. Goals will be to acquire detailed knowledge of selected literary works and genres, become familiar with key scholarly debates, and sharpen translation skills by focused reading in the same or similar styles. Students will be responsible for an agreed amount of Latin reading each week, with the intention that less proficient readers especially will ramp up over the course of the term towards increased fluency. Most class time should be devoted to Latin translation and stylistic analysis; short tests, examinations and written assignments will reflect these goals. Assessment will be in the form of two midterms plus a final examination, with a view to the Reading List examination.

Grading Basis

RLT - Letter (ABCD/NP)





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Enrollment Optional?


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